Movie News

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dan's Discs: Halloween Edition

Hi Folks!

We all know that the Horror genre has staked it's claim to Halloween.
It may cover the ghouls, ghosts, and the blood, but this is not going to be a list of Horror movies.
Instead, let's take a stroll down memory lane, to a time before you knew who Michael Myers was.
I watch all of these specials, every Halloween. 
And through the joys of the interweb, you can have them delivered just in time for the big night.

It came out in 1966, but it is still shown on TV every Halloween.
I love the story and the Peanuts gang all dressed as ghosts.
Linus wants to meet "The Great Pumpkin" so badly, but ends up getting destroyed by Sally.
"You owe me restitution!" is such a great line.
And poor Charlie Brown, he's barely featured in his own special, good grief indeed.

Has any show ever done Halloween better than 'The Simpsons'?
The answer is no, although 'Roseanne' did some of it's best stuff at Halloween.
Counting this year, there have been twenty-five Treehouse Of Horror episodes.
This DVD is only $5 and has four of the best, which include some great movie spoofs. 
I love "The Shinning", which is in no way a spoof of THE SHINING (wink).

I don't know why, but this is insanely expensive on Amazon, so you might want to hit eBay.
This DVD has the three great Garfield TV Specials: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I legit cry every single time I watch the Christmas one, it is heart-wrenching.
The Halloween Special may be the weakest of the three, but it's definitely a fun nostalgia trip.
Here's a great article on how it's actually really scary
Also, don't be fooled by the Garfield Show: Holiday Episodes DVD.
A bunch of people bought it thinking they were getting the Specials. 
The results made for some hilarious reviews.

This year on Halloween, NBC is airing Saturday Night Live: Halloween.
However, this is the modern Halloween skit collection.
For sure watch it, but don't forget about the original (only $5 on VHS).
This collection has tons of great stuff, including Adam Sandler's Easy Halloween Costumes.
Also, it has what is quite possibly my favorite SNL sketch of all-time:
"Consumer Probe" featuring Jane Curtin and Dan Aykroyd.
Aykroyd's recurring shyster, Irwin Mainway is simply brillant.
You gotta love the costumes he's standing-by, including my personal favorites:
Invisible Pedestrian- "A sidewalk costume" that's "not for blind kids". It's an all black suit.
Johnny Human Torch- A bag of oily rags and a lighter.

Thanks For Reading and Happy Halloween From North/South Film!

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